Rotary Grill Steam Boiler

Rotary Grill Steam Boiler

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Rotary Grate Steam Boiler: This boiler features a dynamic combustion mechanism where coal, once fed from the storage bunker onto the grate, is gradually moved towards the combustion chamber by the rotating action of the grate.

Upon entering the combustion zone, the coal begins to dehydrate and degas due to the radiant heat, subsequently undergoing gasification as temperatures rise, leading to the release of volatile matter and the combustion of fixed carbon as it moves along the grate. This process ensures the complete combustion of all coal components by the time they reach the end of the grate.

The efficient combustion process results in minimal residual slag, which is conveniently collected in a slag trough for removal.

The entire sequence of operations, from coal feeding to combustion and slag disposal, is seamlessly managed by a PLC automation system, ensuring optimal combustion efficiency and significantly reduced emission levels.

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