Fluidised Bed Steam Boiler

Fluidised Bed Steam Boiler

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Fluidised Bed Combustion Steam Boilers: These are water tube boilers that are known for their fully automated control systems, high efficiency, and eco-friendly operations, optimised for solid fuel combustion. The unique feature of these boilers is the combustion that occurs over a fluid bed of ash and coal, facilitated by an airstream.

In the combustion process, coal is ignited in the lower section and within the fluidised bed, while the generated hot gases ascend through a set of water-tube heat exchangers located above, effectively heating the water to generate steam.

This steam is then distributed to the required systems from an accumulation chamber, typically known as the steam dome, positioned at the top of the boiler.

Exiting gases, after depositing particulate matter in the cyclone, are further processed through an economiser, then directed to a filtration system via the chimney fan, ensuring that emissions released into the environment are significantly minimised.

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